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Docker Compose#

The main repository contains the docker-compose.yaml files to deploy recruIT via Docker Compose. The following guides assume that you have cloned it to your current working directory:

git clone
cd recruit/

You can also download a versioned archive of the latest docker-compose.yaml files from the tagged releases by visiting and getting it from the assets.


Docker CLI version 20.10.14 or later.

Installation for local testing using sample data#

To run everything locally with Keycloak-based authentication enabled, a sample cohort, and an OMOP DB filled with sample data:

docker compose --project-name=recruit \
    --env-file=docker-compose/.staging.env \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.staging.yaml up

You can run the following to probe every component for its health status:

docker compose --project-name=recruit \
    --env-file=docker-compose/.staging.env \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.staging.yaml \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.probe.yaml run health-probes

The docker-compose.staging.yaml also includes Traefik as a reverse proxy, so you can access the services running on your local machine on the following named URLs:

Service Ingress URL Note
recruIT Screening List login with username: user1 and password: user1; Or as uc1-admin/admin for full access
Keycloak login with username: admin and password: admin

By default, the query module runs every 5 minutes to check for new study candidates. After some time, you should see the following when opening the screening list at and logging in as uc1-admin/admin:

Screening list overview

Clicking on the list for the SAMPLE M study should show the list of candidates:

Screening list for the sample study

Finally, checking the mail viewer at you can see the email notifications:

Screening list for the sample study

Stop the deployment#

To stop all services, run:

docker compose --project-name=recruit \
    --env-file=docker-compose/.staging.env \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml \
    -f docker-compose/docker-compose.staging.yaml \
    down -v

Standalone installation#

The instructions above used the docker-compose/docker-compose.staging.yaml to deploy a FHIR server, a pre-filled OMOP CDM database, the OHDSI tools initialized with sample cohorts, a mock email viewer, and a pre-configured Keycloak.

The recommended way to install in "production-mode" is to already have deployed all these services and only need to configure and deploy the recruIT modules. These modules are listed in the docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml file.

Several environment variables need to be set before calling docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml up. You can create a .env file in the current directory and set them according to your environment based on the .staging.env example configuration file in the docker-compose folder.

You can find a list of available configuration options here.