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Configuration Options#

This is a non-exhaustive list of available configuration options for the recruIT deployment.

When deploying using Helm, many of these options are automatically configured or exposed via values.yaml. You can find a complete description of all available chart configuration options here: If anything is missing, you can use the extraEnv option to supply additional environment variables to the modules.

"Staging Default Value" refers to the default value for that option when deploying via Docker Compose using the .staging.env file.

Used by multiple modules#

Variable Description Staging Default Value
FHIR_URL URL of a FHIR server used to store the screening lists and retrieve patient data (if available). Used by all modules. http://fhir:8080/fhir

Screening List#

Variable Description Staging Default Value
KEYCLOAK_DISABLED Disable Keycloak authentication for the screening list. false
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID Keycloak client id for the screening list component. uc1-screeninglist
KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL URL of the Keycloak server (should end with /auth). http://host.docker.internal:38086/auth
DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_ENABLED Whether or not the resources from the FHIR server should be de-pseudonymized before being displayed in the screening list. See De-Pseudonymization for details false
DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_SERVICE_URL The URL to the FHIR Pseudonymizer service used for de-pseudonymization. ""
DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_API_KEY The API key used to authenticate against the FHIR Pseudonymizer ""
HIDE_DEMOGRAPHICS Don't show age and gender of the persons false
HIDE_LAST_VISIT Don't show the last visit information false
HIDE_EHR_BUTTON Don't show the button to show EHR information of the person false
PROXY_IS_SECURE_BACKEND If FHIR_URL points to a server using HTTPS, then you should set this to 1 or true false

Query Module#

Variable Description Staging Default Value
ATLAS_URL URL of the ATLAS WebAPI endpoint. Usually ends in /WebAPI. Used by the query module.¹ http://ohdsi-webapi:8080/WebAPI
ATLAS_DATASOURCE Name of the ATLAS datasource used to generate the cohorts from. OHDSI-CDMV5
OMOP_JDBCURL JDBC URL of the OMOP database. jdbc:postgresql://omopdb:5432/OHDSI
OMOP_USERNAME Username to access the OMOP database. postgres
OMOP_PASSWORD Password to access the OMOP database. postgres
OMOP_RESULTSSCHEMA Name of the database schema containing the results of the cohort generation. synpuf_results
OMOP_CDMSCHEMA Name of the database schema containing the actual clinical data. synpuf_cdm
QUERY_SCHEDULE_UNIXCRON A UNIX-compliant CRON expression to configure the execution schedule of the query module (see */5 * * * * (Run every 5 minutes)
QUERY_SELECTOR_MATCHLABELS Comma-separated list of labels which must be present in either the cohort's name or description enclosed in [] in order to be processed by the query module.² UC1,Test
QUERY_WEBAPI_AUTH_ENABLED Set to true if the OHDSI WebAPI requires authentication. false
QUERY_WEBAPI_AUTH_LOGIN_PATH The login method to use. See for a list of possible paths. /user/login/db
QUERY_WEBAPI_AUTH_USERNAME The username to login as. Note that this user needs permissions to query and generate cohorts. ""
QUERY_WEBAPI_AUTH_PASSWORD The password used to login. ""
QUERY_APPEND_RECOMMENDATIONS_TO_EXISTING_LIST if true, instead of overwriting the contents of the List for each cohort based on what the last generation run returned, append to this list false
QUERY_FORCE_UPDATE_SCREENING_LIST if true, always send a List resource as part of the transaction even if nothing changed false
QUERY_ONLY_CREATE_PATIENTS_IF_NOT_EXIST if true, send Patient resources as "conditional-creates" on their first identifier instead of using "conditional-update". Useful if the server is already filled with Patient resources from a different system false
QUERY_COHORTSIZETHRESHOLD Maximum number of patients to be included in the generated screening list. A warning will appear on the screening list view if a list exceeded this count. 100
QUERY_WEBAPI_COHORT_CACHE_SCHEMA The name of the schema which contains the cohort definitions cache. ohdsi
QUERY_RUN_ONCE_AND_EXIT If set to true, run the query module only once against all discovered cohort definitions and exit. Useful when running the module as part of a larger workflow. See here for an example using Argo Workflows. false

¹: This is usually the same URL you configured in the config-local.js file when setting up the ATLAS server.

²: For example, the default values of UC1,Test require the cohort definitions name or description in Atlas to contain either the string [UC1] or [Test] in order to be processed by the query module.

Notification Module#

Variable Description Staging Default Value
NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT External URL for the notification module's webhook endpoint. Should end in /on-list-change http://notify:8080/on-list-change
NOTIFY_RULES_CONFIG_PATH Path to the notification rule configuration file. The file is mounted inside the notification module. ./staging/notify-rules.yml
NOTIFY_MAIL_HOST Host of the SMTP server used to send notification emails. maildev
NOTIFY_MAIL_SMTP_PORT SMTP port on the host. 1025
NOTIFY_MAILER_LINKTEMPLATE Template used to generate a clickable link in the notification emails. [list_id] is mandatory and is replaced with the lists internal id.⁴[list_id]
NOTIFY_MAILER_FROM The sender email address for the created notification mails.

³: If your FHIR server is running on and your notification module runs on, then this value should be set to The default exposed port of the notification module is 38087. This external port is used when the FHIR server can't access the notification module using the Docker-network internal host and port notify:8080.

⁴: If your screening list is running on, then this value should be set to[list_id].