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Requires at least version 2.1.0 of the MIRACUM FHIR Pseudonymizer to be deployed.

If the Patient and Encounter resources in the FHIR server are pseudonymized (which is true if the OMOP DB is pseudonymized), you may want to de-pseudonymize them before displaying them in the screening list to show the original patient and encounter identifiers.

On the list module, you need to set the environment variable DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_ENABLED to true. This will cause all resources fetched from the FHIR server to be sent to the $de-pseudonymize endpoint of the FHIR Pseudonymizer first, which reverts any pseudonymization or encryption previously applied to the resources. DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_SERVICE_URL must be set to the base URL of this service. Because this endpoint is protected by a basic API key, you will need to configure the same key in the pseudonymizer's APIKEY and the list module's DE_PSEUDONYMIZATION_API_KEY.